Rather alarming images of flames, smoke, & erupting outbursts of catastrophic proportion.
Photography + Photoshop/On1 Digital Effects
Swooping up from the lower right, the flaming essence of a soaring bird glides effortlessly through the creative streaks of a warm fiery night.
Photography + Photoshop/On1 Digital Effects
Chaotic clouds of brilliant fire light the sky in an exhilarating whoosh of splendid swirliness.
Impasto brush strokes frolic about on a bas-relief spiral swirl while the background ignites in a brilliant swoosh and dances a swizzling sizzle as it all goes up in flames.
From a Pebeo Fantasy Prisme painting on a round mirror and a photograph of fire.
Pebeo Fantasy Prisme Painting + Photoshop/Topaz/onOne Digital Effects
On a metaphorical glass disk in the center of the story, a cool glowing pond of icy blue liquid flows tendrilly into a fiery hot sea of leaping yellow flames and sizzling red-orange whirls. The background lies just out of reach, with a wavering tendency toward muted and shadowy form.
Photography + Photoshop Painting & Digital Effects
A sudden burst of enthusiasm sents blazing loops and swirls spraying outward in an animated glowing fire dance.
From a photograph of the swirling loops of a copper scrubber, an ingeniously interlaced jumble of coarsely woven curlicue twists.
Illustrator Painting
The fire dances in impish delight as the forest goes up in flames, an utter catastrophe for the moment, but a stimulating source of renewal for serotinous pines.
Oil Pastel Drawing + Image Blending & Digital Effects
Thank goodness the Sun is far, far away, and not right out there by the Moon, or we would surely all need to sit under a canopy of tall trees, by a cool running stream, and sip lemonade until the cows came home, and nothing would ever get done at all, except waiting for cows.
Photography + Image Blending & Digital Effects
Repelled by the conflagration, ghostly figures hastily greet, then leave the scene, while lions bravely stand watch with a bear.
Photography + Image Blending & Digital Effects
Spectators at the awesome event, silhouetted against the new night sky.
Photography + Image Blending & Digital Effects
Very frightening… best to sneak by quietly…
Fiery Glow

Fiery Glow

Digital Art • Abstract explorations into to the mysterious allure of fire, flames, and catastrophe.
